APT is the abbreviation for Advanced Packaging Tool. What makes this program “advanced” is its approach to packages. It does not simply evaluate them individually, but it considers them as a whole and produces the best possible combination of packages depending on what is available and compatible according to dependencies.
You can also update Predator-OS using the terminal.
Press CTRL+ALT+T to bring up a Terminal window.
Then type the followings command:
$sudo apt update
A first apt upgrade (a command used to automatically update installed programs) is generally required, especially for possible security updates issued since the release of the latest PredatorOS stable version.
Befor updating and upgrading the Predator-OS:
The Predator-OS used the full repository of Debian stable 20.04 by default.you can see the list of repositories in the following path:
Each active line in the /etc/apt/sources.list file represents a package source (repository) and is made of at least three parts separated by spaces.
You can manage the repositories by adding or removing lines. sources.list management by GUI tools:
method1 :you can manage the repositories by typing the following command:
$sudo software-properties-qt
method2: you can manage the repositories by Synaptic tool.
Debian stable sources list in Predator-OS
##Debian 12.5 bookworm version
deb http://deb.debian.org/debian/ bookworm non-free-firmware non-free contrib main
deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian/ bookworm non-free-firmware non-free contrib main
deb http://deb.debian.org/debian-security/ bookworm-security non-free-firmware non-free contrib main
deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian-security/ bookworm-security non-free-firmware non-free contrib main
deb http://deb.debian.org/debian/ bookworm-updates non-free-firmware non-free contrib main
deb-src http://deb.debian.org/debian/ bookworm-updates main contrib non-free non-free-firmware
deb https://deb.debian.org/debian/ bookworm-proposed-updates contrib main non-free non-free-firmware
deb-src https://deb.debian.org/debian/ bookworm-proposed-updates contrib main non-free non-free-firmware
Own Predator-os source list
deb [arch=amd64] https://www.seilany.ir/predator-os/predator-updater-ppa ./
APT is a vast project, whose original plans included a graphical interface. It is based on a library which contains the core application, and apt-get is the first front end — command-line based — which was developed within the project. apt is a second command-line based front end provided by APT which overcomes some design mistakes of apt-get.
Both tools are built on top of the same library and are thus very close, but the default behavior of apt has been improved for interactive use and to actually do what most users expect. The APT developers reserve the right to change the public interface of this tool to further improve it. Conversely, the public interface of apt-get is well defined and will not change in any backwards incompatible way. It is thus the tool that you want to use when you need to script package installation requests.
Numerous other graphical interfaces then appeared as external projects: synaptic, aptitude (which includes both a text mode interface and a graphical one — even if not complete yet), wajig, etc. The most recommended interface, apt, is the one that we will use in the examples given in this section. Note, however, that apt-get and aptitude have a very similar command line syntax. When there are major differences between these three commands, these will be detailed.
Type in:
sudo apt update
or use pre-definded alias command:
You will be prompted to enter your login password.
Regular upgrades are recommended, because they include the latest security updates. To upgrade, use apt upgrade, apt-get upgrade or aptitude safeupgrade (of course after apt update). This command looks for installed packages which can be upgraded without removing any packages. In other words, the goal is to ensure the least intrusive upgrade possible. apt-get is slightly more demanding than aptitude or apt because it will refuse to install packages which were not installed beforehand.
apt will generally select the most recent version number (except for packages from Experimental and stable-backports, which are ignored by default whatever their version number).
To tell apt to use a specific distribution when searching for upgraded packages, you need to use the -t or --target-release option, followed by the name of the distribution you want. To avoid specifying this option every time you use apt. For more important upgrades, such as the change from one major version to the next, you need to use apt full-upgrade. With this instruction, apt will complete the upgrade even if it has to remove some obsolete packages or install new dependencies.
Unlike apt and aptitude, apt-get does not know the full-upgrade command. Instead, you should use apt-get dist-upgrade (“distribution upgrade”), the historical and well-known command that apt and aptitude also except for the convenience of users who got used to it. The results of these operations are logged into /var/log/apt/history.log and /var/log/apt/term.log, whereas dpkg keeps its log in a file called /var/log/dpkg.log.
This will check for updates and tell you if there are any that need applying. To apply any updates type:
sudo apt dist-upgrade
or use pre-definded alias command:
The purpose of unattended-upgrades is to keep the computer current with the latest security (and other) updates automatically.
If you plan to use it, you should have some means to monitor your systems such as installing the apt-listchanges package and configuring it to send you emails about updates. And there is always /var/log/dpkg.log, or the files in /var/log/unattendedupgrades/.
Linux server security is of critical importance to sysadmins. One central part of keeping Linux servers secure is by installing security updates promptly. Too often, there are compromised servers on the internet due to pending security updates waiting for a manual update. On both Debian stable and Debian, the unattended-upgrades package can be configured to perform unattended-upgrades to install updated packages and security updates automatically.
Remember, you will want to monitor updates and changes to your Linux server over time. You can monitor via /var/log/dpkg.log or read the log files in /var/log/unattended-upgrades/. You can also monitor changes by installing the apt-listchanges package (optional).
sudo apt install apt-listchanges
apt-get install unattended-upgrades apt-listchanges sudo dpkg-reconfigure unattended-upgrades he apt-listchanges can be configured to send emails about update changes. apt-listchanges is a tool to show what has been changed in a new version of a Debian package compared to the version currently installed on the system. It does this by extracting the relevant entries from the NEWS.Debian and changelog[.Debian] files, usually found in /usr/share/doc/package, from Debian package archives. On both Debian and Debian stable, as Debian stable is a derivative of Debian.
The apt-cache command can display much of the information stored in APT’s internal database. This information is a sort of cache since it is gathered from the different sources listed in the sources.list file. This happens during the apt update operation.
Configuration Options
Besides the configuration elements already mentioned, it is possible to configure certain aspects of APT by adding directives in a file of
The installed packages correspond to the profiles selected during installation, but not necessarily to the use that will actually be made of the machine. As such, you might want to use a package management tool to refine the selection of installed packages. The two most frequently used tools are apt (accessible from the command line) and synaptic (“Synaptic Package Manager” in the menus).
dpkg is the base command for handling Debian packages on the system. If you have .deb packages, it is dpkg that allows installation or analysis of their contents. it knows what is installed on the system, and whatever it is given on the command line, but knows nothing of the other available packages. As such, it will fail if a dependency is not met. Tools such as apt and aptitude, on the contrary, will create a list of dependencies to install everything as automatically as possible. Installing Packages dpkg is, above all, the tool for installing an already available Debian package (because it does not download anything). To do this, we use its -i or --install option.
$sudo dpkg -i myfile.deb
APT is a C++ program whose code mainly resides in the libapt-pkg shared library. Using a shared library facilitates the creation of user interfaces (frontends), since the code contained in the library can easily be reused. Historically, apt-get was only designed as a test frontend for libapt-pkg but its success tends to obscure this fact. aptitude
aptitude is an interactive program that can be used in semi-graphical mode on the console. You can browse the list of installed and available packages, look up all the available information, and select packages to install or remove. The program is designed specifically to be used by administrators, so that its default behaviors are designed to be much more intelligent than apt-get’s and its interface much easier to understand.
When it starts, aptitude shows a list of packages sorted by state (installed, noninstalled, or installed but not available on the mirrors — other sections display tasks, virtual packages, and new packages that appeared recently on mirrors). To facilitate thematic browsing other views are available. In all cases, aptitude displays a list combining categories and packages on the screen. Categories are organized through a tree structure, whose branches can respectively be unfolded or closed with the Enter, [ and ] keys. + should be used to mark a package for installation, - to mark it for removal and _ to purge it (note that these keys can also be used for categories, in which case the corresponding actions will be applied to all the packages of the category). u updates the lists of available packages and Shift+u prepares a global system upgrade. g switches to a summary view of the requested changes (and typing g again will apply the changes), and q quits the current view. If you are in the initial view, this will effectively close aptitude.
synaptic package manager
Security is very important for administrators. Accordingly, they need to ensure that they only install packages that are guaranteed with no tampering on the way. A computer cracker could try to add malicious code to an otherwise legitimate package. Such a package, if installed, could do anything the cracker designed it to do, including for instance disclosing passwords or confidential information.
APT needs a set of trusted GnuPG public keys to verify signatures in the InRelease and Release.gpg files available on the mirrors. It gets them from files in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ and from the /etc/apt/trusted.gpg keyring (managed by the apt-key command).
# ls /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
synaptic is a graphical package manager which features a clean and efficient graphical interface based on GTK+/GNOME. Its many ready-to-use filters give fast access to newly available packages, installed packages, upgradable packages, obsolete packages and so on. If you browse through these lists, you can select the operations to be done on the packages (install, upgrade, remove, purge); these operations are not performed immediately, but put into a task list. A single click on a button then validates the operations, and they are performed in one go.