Chapter 13

Chapter 13

All 100 features

All 100 Features

Features 1-10 Linux distribution


easy-to-install and pre-configured system featuring

2.Plasma as the default desktop environment


Fully Customization Desktop and menu

3.Operates at 9 several differnt modes


Privacy, Secure, Hardened, Anonymized, Tutorial, Defensive, Offensive, Monitoring, Emergency

4.Update Manager Tools


kernel and tools update manager, Update notifications can notify the user if their system is becoming out of date

5.collection of security tools

Predator Linux has around 1300 pre-installed tools which are split into 40 categories

6.Graphical boot system and logger


OS has a plymouth and you can press arrow key to see the console messege

7.Live Mode by default, Live DVD Live USB

----------------------------------------------------- Also, You can run the installer and install it



Application launchers, menus, a workspace switcher and more plugins



It very easy to find and launch your files, quickly open websites, find programs to open, calculate math problems, and more

10.Customized Menu


Os Allows easy and fast access to all pre-installed app, organised into 40 categories

Features 11-20

11.Terminal in Desktop Background


highly configureable Graphical, Always be open and running in desktop background

12.disabled suspend, Hibernate, sleep


Because of prevent access to the entire memory dump and private data, passwords, keys

security threat

13.Privacy Tools


PrivacyTools provides services, tools and knowledge to protect your privacy against global mass surveillance.

14.fully OSINT Framword


Focused on gathering information from free tools or resources

15.Bug Bounty Tools

Give users the ability to harness a large group of hackers in order to find bugs in their code.

16.Included Cyber Search Engine


Private Search Engines with popular features and latest links

17.CTF Tools


Running a capture the flag (CTF) competition, Tools used for solving CTF challenges

18.Penetration Testing Labrator


There are many tools to learn the practical side of vulnerability assessments and virtual space to test malwares

19.Most Scaner Drivers


More than 2500 scaner devices supported by sane package

20.Privacy-enhanced browsers


privacy focused browser,shields FOR privacy,Blocking harmful ads

Features 21-30

21.Secure Group Chat Tools


included secure messaging app. End-to-end encryption, multi-mode messaging,Multi-platform support

22.self-destruct Tool


Clean Every Logs, tracks,memory,cache and fast Shutdown PC security threat

23.VPN Tools


secure all data communications and extend private network.securely access corporate network through an encrypted connection

24.Smart and user-friendly SHELL

----------------------------------------------------Included zsh and fish shell

25.Included IDS/IPS Tools


Antivirus,Trojan Remover, malware Detection, apparmore,AIDE, SElinux and Firewalls

26.Integrity Check Tools


Included tools to compare state of stored data and file integrity monitoring

27.Apparmor Profiles


Installed and enabled all available apparmor profiles

28.Included USB Guard Tools


Prevent from USB, physical access and Electrical attacks

29.Included Tune utility


The tuned command-line tool allows users to switch between different tuning profiles.

30.Real time monitoring Tool


Monitoring and troubleshooting everything in real time for free with Netdata Features 31-40

31.Google Hacking Database

----------------------------------------------------- You can access to more than 6 entries

32.controling All services


included Stacer tool to controling all services beside the systemctl cli

33.Removing Unnecessary data


Removing Unnecessary services, packages, startup files and configs

34.disabled the [Ctrl]-[Alt]-[Delete]


Disallow anyone to reboot the OS using Ctrl-Alt-Del keys.

35.Included Database Tools

----------------------------------------------------- included the most useful database management tools

36.Included Audit Tools


Included Security Audit and Intrusion Detection Tool: tiger,lynis and more tools

37.included Mix Networks protocols


Hard-to-trace communications, by encrypting and keep you anonymous online.such as i2p,Tor,OpenVPN,Lantern

38.Included osquery


Allows you to craft your system queries using SQL statements to troubleshoot performance and operational issues

39.Included log management tools


Managing and analyzing log files, record system activity, events and report generation tools

40.password lists


Access to 300 GB password list contains every wordlist, dictionary, and password database leak

Features 41-50

41.included wipe tools


fully erase data from hard drive, memory, rewrites the sector and flushes the cache

42.Included Virtual Keyboard


Florence is an open source extensible scalable virtual keyboard

43.Malware Analysis Toolkit


included Toolkit for reverse-engineering and analyzing Windows and Linux malicious,Forensic investigators

44.Machine Learning for Cybersecurity


included python2 and 3 modules for InfoSec, malware analysis,cyber security and Machine Learning

45.Self-document of tools


Describes the application with extra lines as a tools tooltip.

46. package managers


Included apt, aptitude, alien, synaptic, dpkg, snap

47.Kernel tuning


included Kernel tuning configurations such as high cache pressure,tuned performance profile

48.Included cpupower Tools


Included collection of tools to examine and tune power saving related features of your processor.

49.Data Recovery Tools


Included Tools for lose data, critical informationeither through accidental deletion, virus attacks,corrupted data permanent removal of files

50.Forensic Metapackage


All here available tools are packaged by Debian Security Tools Team

Features 51-60

51.included Sleuth Kit


collection of command line tools to analyze disk images and recover files from them

52.ExecShield Buffer Overflows

----------------------------------------------------- Protecting against buffer overflows

53.Securing network access


Protected against syn packet flooding and ARP attacks

54.Disabled Auto-mounting


Turn off removable drives Auto-mounting feature

55.Disabled virtual machine shared folders


Disabled Mounting virtual machine shared folders between host and guest

56.Normal user as defualt


Used normal user as defualt,Consider disabling the root account permanently and run the command with sudo

57.Volume or container encryption


Included symmetric and asymmetric encryption tools for files and volumes

58.Included ASLR


Address Space Layout Randomization.ull randomization prevent the exploitation of memory corruption vulnerabilities

59.x86 compatible and Virtual Machines


Supported x86 compatible and Virtual Machines and virtualization

60.Forensic Metapackage


All here available tools are packaged by Debian Security Tools Team

Features 61-70

61.Protecting Network Traffic


Included a collection of Tor, torify, and torsocks, ProxyChains to keeping OS anonymized

62.Protection against location discovery


Protection against IP address,location discovery,Geolocation, or location services,,

63.MAC address Changer


Protected against spoofing of the MAC address, generate a random value for each connection or manually by custome tool

64.Cold boot attack protection


Prevents attacks by disabled hibernation and sleep modes, wipe memory,full-disk encryption

65.Prevent NTP amplification attack


Disabled Network time synchronization which synchronize system clock between devices to prevent NTP amplification attack.

66.Updated Microcode


Applied CPU microcode updates

67.Password Manager Tools


Included Trusted password managers,manage your passwords in a secure way

68.Disabled Microphones

----------------------------------------------------- Disabling Microphones by defualt

69.Metadata Cleaner


Included Metadata Removal Tools

70.VirtualBox Hardening


VirtualBox Hardening

Features 71-80

71.Disable ACPI


Disable Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI)

72.Restricting kernel modules


Restricting module loading can protect the kernel.

73.Disabled bug reporter

----------------------------------------------------- Disabled bug reporter software and services

74.preventing spoofing attacks

----------------------------------------------------- preventing spoofing attacks

75.Enable TCP/IP SYN cookies


Enable TCP SYN cookie protection to save domain from SYN Attack

76.Packet forwarding for IPv4/v6


Permits the kernel to forward packets from one network interface to another

77.Prevent MITM Attacks


Do not accept ICMP redirects to prevent MITM attacks

78.Accept ICMP redirects


Accept ICMP redirects only for gateways listed in our default

79.Size of inode cache

----------------------------------------------------- Increase size of file handles and inode cache

80.Swapping and Caching

----------------------------------------------------- Increase size of swappiness and cache pressure Features 81-90

81.Dirty Rratio


Better Linux Disk Caching & Performance

82.Included Network security option


Increasing times SYNACKs for passive TCP connection

83.Protect Against TCP Time-Wait


Protect Against TCP Time-Wait

84.Control Syncookies

----------------------------------------------------- Control Syncookies

85.Socket Send/Receive Buffer

----------------------------------------------------- Increasing Socket Receive Buffer

86.Increase memory buffers


Increase the maximum read/write of option memory buffers space

87.Prevent DOS attacks


Increase the tcp-time-wait buckets pool size to prevent simple DOS attacks

88.Increasing pid number

----------------------------------------------------- Increasing pid number

89.Disabled IPv6

----------------------------------------------------- Disabled IPv6

90.Enable IP spoofing protection

----------------------------------------------------- Enable IP spoofing protection

Features 91-100



Random positions in a processs address space, which makes it difficult for an attacking program to predict the memory address of the next instruction

92. Tuning TCP buffer

----------------------------------------------------- Increase Linux auto tuning TCP buffer limits

93.Prevent Brute force attacks


preventing brute force attacks, consider implementing the intrusion prevention software Fail2ban

94.Enabled SELinux


Enforcing mode is the default and enforcing the loaded security policy on the entire system.

95.Disable IP source routing


Accept packets with the Strict Source Route (SSR) or Loose Source Routing (LSR)

96.protects against time-wait assassination


protects against time-wait assassination by dropping RST packets for sockets in the time-wait state.

97.prevent man-in-the-middle attacks

----------------------------------------------------- disable ICMP redirect acceptance and sending to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and minimise information disclosure.

98.avoid Smurf attacks


Ignore all ICMP requests to avoid Smurf attacks, make the device more difficult to enumerate on the network and prevent clock fingerprinting through ICMP timestamps.

99.Wireless devices blacklisted


rfkill to reduce remote attack surface further. To blacklist all wireless devices



It will be add in next update

Social medias

© Copyright 2024 | hossein seilany








All about me






I am Hossein Seilani, M.S. in Computer Science, and the founder and

developer of Emperor


OS, Little


Psycho, and Predator


OS Linux. I have








Linux/Windows Sysadmin, UX/UI, Front


End web design, SEO,


Designer, Data Science, and machine learning.